Our services

Course and training
We can offer training in the use of relevant equipment for NDT and inspection. We deliver both training plans and approved procedures for using the equipment. Feel free to contact us for a total package in connection with the purchase of equipment.

NDT procedures
NDT must be carried out in accordance with procedures prepared and approved by level 3 personnel in the relevant method. We offer development, revision and approval of NDT procedures and techniques in accordance with national and international standards such as Norsok, DNV GL, ASME , API and ISO. Contact us or read more at ndtpartner.no.

NDT level 3 services
We offer level 3 services in collaboration with NDT Partner AS. This may involve being level 3 responsible for a company or department, or assistance with certain methods, on a project basis or when implementing new methods or equipment. Contact us or read more at ndtpartner.no.

Introduction course in NDT
A one-day course offered in collaboration with NDT Partner AS.
Read more here

Calibration services