Sprekkedybdebestemmelsen ved hjelp av potensialsondemetoden er basert på måling av elektrisk motstand mellom to punkter på overflaten av et metallisk arbeidsstykke.
Sprekkedybdemåler RMG 4015 måler sprekkdybder på arbeidsstykker laget av stål, jern og austenitt og kan også brukes til sprekker på kobber, messing og aluminium og på de fleste ikke-jernholdige metaller. Spesielle sonder er tilgjengelige for måling av skrå sprekker. RMG 4015 er et ideelt supplement til PT- eller MT-testing.

Castrol strips Type 1 (G) and Type 2 (A)
Both types are 50 mm long, 12 mm wide and rounded at the ends with a radius of 25.4 mm.
rounded at the ends. They each consist of three layers with a total thickness of 0.15 mm. The middle
layer (0.05 mm) consists of a magnetically soft Ni-Fe alloy with high relative permeability.
permeability. The outer layers (0.05 mm) consist of non-magnetizable material.
A special feature of these test bodies is that the middle layer of the parallel to the long side
has slits of 42mm length, which are evenly distributed across the width.
They run through the entire cross section, but have different widths.

MTU Block
Magnetized two-sided MTU block for testing magnetic powder. Used to check the sensitivity of magnetic particulate materials. Each block has a unique crack pattern with a variety of indications in a variety of sizes that mimic natural cracking.

Magnetization cable
Cable for coil magnetization for magnetic powder inspection. 4m and 6m length and 95 mm² or 120 mm²

Battery Yoke Magnet
A very practical power case that provides 230V for use with magnet yokes and other electrical equipment with low power consumption.

Test block MT
-The test block consists of a steel alloy. A special treatment of the surface of the remaining magnetized test block causes a network of grinding cracks and corrosion stress cracks.
-The test block is perfectly suited for comparing different magnetic particle test media. Color tones, brightness and background fluorescence can be easily compared.
-Dimensions: 200 x 50 x 10 mm
-Weight: approx. 700 g
-The test block is not defined in any standard. But apart from the shape, it has the same properties as the reference block 1.
- Delivery including certificate